We advise and represent our clients in all family law related matters, including providing solutions in regard to all testamentary and tax consequences.
In particular, our law firm possesses family law expertise in the areas of:
Community property issues
Legal separation involves wide-ranging consequences for spouses and their children, as well as for relatives and other affected parties. As a result of the many different pressing issues that arise as part of family law disputes, sound and swift advice is necessary.
Additionally, to help prevent future disputes before they happen, we gladly serve our clients in relation to arranging pre-nuptial or other marriage-related agreements tailored to meet their individual needs.
Sabine Churs [1·3·5]
Jörg Hammerschmidt [2·4]
phone:+49 (0)3375 295606
fax: +49 (0)3375 295607
mail: info [at] anwalt-kw [punkt] de
Appointments only after prior agreement
© Attorneys, Specialist Lawyers, Mediation, Sabine Churs & Jörg Hammerschmidt, Königs Wusterhausen HTML 5
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